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Here, you will find personalized Tarot readings, spiritual tips and an introduction to the arcana. Our goal is to bring clarity and guidance, completely free, so you can connect with your inner self and find answers to your questions.

What is Tarot?

The tarot is an oracle and deck of recreational and esoteric use used mostly in the 18th century, usually consisting of 78 cards.

There are reports of its use by the Italian nobility since the Renaissance period and its official rules are published by the French Federation of Tarot.

Since the 18th century, cards have been used to predict the future and since the end of the 19th century they have been part of the core of modern esotericism along with Kabbalah, astrology and alchemy.


When did Tarot appear?

Tarot cards emerged between the 15th and 16th centuries in northern Italy, and were created for a game of the same name, which was played by nobles and lords of the most traditional houses of continental Europe.

The tarot (also known as tarot, tarocco, tarocchi, tarocchini, tarock, and other similar names) is characteristically a set of seventy-eight cards consisting of twenty-one trumps, one Wild, and four sets of suits with fourteen cards each, ten cards numbered and four figures (one more per suit than the Lusophone deck).

Currently, the Tarot obtains expression in the most diverse areas, being an instrument of study and use even by Psychology. Carl Gustav Jung, renowned psychologist of the 20th century, spoke about Archetypes (archaic images), images of the ancestral collective memory that are inside our unconscious and that can be activated by a certain Symbol, which invigorates and brings to the surface all the emotional charge that the image has in itself and that touches us deeply.

Tarot cards are seen as illustrations about the yearnings of the human soul, a kind of comic strip about our dramas.


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How does Tarot work?

Tarot works with a deck of cards.

A tarot deck is used to play. So-called "esoteric decks" are generally not ideal to play, because, for example, they lack symbols and indications on the corners of the cards. A typical deck to play is the standard format French deck, the so-called Tarot Nouveau, with French suits the same as the standard fifty-two card deck.

The Tarot Nouveau deck features trump cards that bring traditional scenes of social activities from France, in increasing levels of prosperity; this differs from the character and ideology of the Italian deck cards such as the Piedmontese Tarocco or the Bolognese Tarocco, or the Rider-Waite Tarot or the Tarot of Marseilles that are better known in cartomancy.

Other tarot decks (tarot - tarock - tarocco), popular in Italy, Spain, Switzerland and Austria, use the Latin suits of spades, clubs (clubs), cups (hearts) and coins (diamonds), or the German suits of hearts. , bells, acorns and leaves.

The characters represented on the trumps are similar to those found in Italian tarots; German decks are the ones that least typically follow these characterizations.


Is it possible to trust a Tarot game?

The tarot works with logic, it will never give an inadequate answer, it is possible for the oracle to be misinterpreted when reading it.

For some reason, the reading of the oracle may be misinterpreted, which sometimes manifests more than one answer to the most varied questions, or, information and alerts, sometimes almost "invisible" that only the best seers or fortune tellers can give the best answer.